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34th Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Reward Conference

Crowne Plaza Springfield Convention Center
3000 South Dirksen Parkway

Event Description

This two-day conference focuses on providing educational and skill- building workshops, lessons on best practices, and networking opportunities for firms in the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program and contractors wanting to do business with IDOT. The overall goal is to help advance a firm’s skill set and knowledge to increase their competitiveness and opportunities for work on federally funded highway contracts.

For more than 30 years, the conference has provided subcontractors, DBE firms and prime contractors with invaluable information. Presentations and workshops include estimating and bidding, project management, erosion control, advanced financing, social media marketing – and much more. In addition, the Office of Business and Workforce Diversity’s Supportive Services team will be attending and ready to assist certified DBE firms. The conference concludes with an awards luncheon recognizing outstanding firms throughout the state.

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